Merchaneer is pleased to announce “Merchaneer Chat”…a Podcast hosted by Greg Aden, one of Merchaneer’s Business Consultants and owner of Aden Leadership.  A new podcast will be taped every few weeks.  Merchaneer will have representatives of numerous industries talking about how the Discount for Cash credit card platform works for them, their business and their industry.  In Episode #1, Greg Aden interviews the CEO of Merchaneer, Bob Ekman.  There is a focus on the hospitality industry which is starting to incorporate the platform into their business model.  Episode #2’s guest is Hitesh (HP) Patel, former Chairman of the Asian American Hotel Owners Association (AAHOA) and Chief Operating Office of Curve Hospitality out of Houston, TX.  Curve Hospitality is a multi-faceted vendor of Design, Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment.  They also accept credit cards and are considering the move to the cash discount platform for their B2B business.  HP will be starting with Merchaneer with his independent hotel his Father started many years ago outside of Austin, TX.  This is an exciting start to Merchaneer Chat.  A big THANK YOU goes out to Greg Aden for his passion and ongoing support of Merchaneer.  Here are the links to the first two Episodes…


Episode #1 – Greg Aden & Bob Ekman


Episode #2 – Greg Aden, Bob Ekman and Hitesh (HP) Patel


Please subscribe to the Merchaneer YouTube Channel by clicking on the following link.  Thank you.


MERCHANEER Chat Episode #3


AAHOA Welcomes New Partnership with Merchaneer